SOLTRANSFER S.L. is the responsible company for all the activity developed through the website
Thus, your data is collected and used to identify you as a user of said website, and to give you access to the services and functionalities at your disposal, at all times in line with the purposes for which it was collected and of which you were informed at the time said personal data was collected.
The personal information which you enter into this website will be included on a file duly inscribed before the Spanish Data Protection Agency, under the ownership of SOLTRANSFER S.L., and will only be passed on to third parties for the proper fulfilment of the purposes for which the data was collected.
Similarly, all the data which is collected shall be adequately treated regarding the application of security measures in virtue of that set forth in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, regarding Personal Data Protection, approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21st.
As a user, you are at all times free to exercise your right to access, rectification, cancelation and opposition at this address: Av. del Comandante García Morato, s/n, 29004 Málaga, or at the following email address: